
Sort your home

Wednesday, November 20, 2013 | By Sonia

If you want to be successful in your personal life and at work, then you have to put your house and work place in order, advise physiologists. According to them, the ‘physical contamination’ and ‘blockages’ stop the energy flow and prevent you from living a harmonious life.The ‘physical contamination’ is easy to determine- dust, mould and rubbish in gen...

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I have never had a cleaner before but would like to try

Monday, October 21, 2013 | By Sonya

If you need help with your household chores and you have never used the services of a cleaning company or a cleaning agency before then you need to know where to start.In a first instance, you might ask friends and colleagues- maybe they are already using the services of a reputable cleaning company. Word of mouth is the best recommendation.Next, you mi...

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